Thursday, September 17, 2015

Tech Update 9/17 & Show Call Times

Tonight is our last night of tech! We had another great night last night and the kids are working hard and it shows. Closing cast needs to keep going over their lines and blocking since it will be a couple of days before they perform their ON night roles again. 
  • The opening cast will finish their first run through to the end of the show and then start at the top for a second run through. We will be picking up on page 57.
  • We will start tech at 6pm. 
  • Please arrive before 6pm and be ready in costume, hair and any make up at 6pm. The sooner we get started the earlier we can finish. 
  • We plan to get a full second run through with the closing cast. We are hoping to be done by 9pm but may run over. We do ask that the opening cast stay for their run through as this will be their last run before opening tomorrow night! we will stop at 9:30pm.
  • Call times for this weekend are below. Please be ready in costume, hair and any make at the call time. That may mean you need to arrive a little earlier if you have to change into a costume or finish makeup. 
    • Friday- call time 6:15pm, show time 7:15pm
    • Saturday- call time 1:15pm, show time 2:15pm; ***call time 6:15pm, show time 7:15pm (Please plan to pick up your actor between the shows, there will be no supervision between the shows at PCT)
    • Sunday- call time 1:15pm, show time 2:15pm
  • Parents- If you are volunteering during shows please arrive at the time listed on the volunteer sign up.  If you are working tickets or concessions, you will need a ticket to watch the show.
  • Pick up your tickets from Shelly and please turn in any tickets that you will not be using. If you would like ticket for a show contact Shelly to get on the waiting list.
  • Turn in your 4x6 pictures for our cast wall & don’t forget to pay $8 per person for the cast party (9/26) to Julie Wall. 

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tech Update 9/16

What a great night two of tech last night! The show is starting to really come together. Tonight is the last night for the closing cast to run through the show.
  • We will begin tech at 6pm. Please arrive before 6pm and be ready in costume, hair and any makeup at 6pm.
  • We will start at the top of page 48. Please come in what costume you are in for the fair. 
  • We will continue to run through the end of the show. 
  • Once we start the second run, you will no longer be able to call line. You will have to move on with the scene if lines are skipped or someone misses an entrance. Ms. Becca will try to make minimal stops during the second run through. 
  • We plan to be finished at 9pm tonight. We do plan to run all the way through the second run and we may run past 9pm. We hope that the closing cast can stay for the entire time tonight since this will be their last chance before they open on Saturday. 
  • Julie Wall is collecting the cast party money. It's $8 per person.
  • Also, don't forget to bring your 4x6 head shot for the spider web cast wall. 
  • If you didn't get your tickets last night please make sure you see Shelly Warren. Also, if you aren't using tickets you purchased, please let Shelly know. We have waiting list for shows as well as a few shows that are oversold. All ticket exchanges should do through Shelly. 
  • Here is the link to the Dropbox where the cast can download the files. Please make this and the following message available to the cast:

    IMPORTANT: These images are for personal use only (promotion on personal Facebook pages and email, etc.). Please do not send these to or contact professional media outlets on behalf of the theatre without prior authorization from the Marketing Director.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Tech Week Update- 9/15/15

We had a great start to tech week last! Please read all of this post to get all the update.

  • Tech will start at 6pm. Please arrive before 6pm in costume, hair and any makeup.
  • Tonight we will start at the top of the show with opening cast. Closing cast needs to come ready for the spider dance and bows. 
  • If you have several costumes please come in your first costume. 
  • On Wednesday, we will start where we left off in Act 2 and finish through bows. We will then start from the top of the show and run the entire show with minimal stops. 
  • Tonight we will be going until 9:30pm. 
  • Julie Wall is collecting the cast party money and will be at tech tonight. It's $8 per person.
  • Also, don't forget to bring your 4x6 head shot for the spider web cast wall. (It looks great!)
  • Shelly will be at tech at the end of the night tonight to distribute tickets. Please make sure you find her to get your tickets.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Tech Week Info and Tips!- 9/14/15

Tonight starts tech week! Here is more information and helpful tips:

  • Please arrive to the theatre in costume, hair and any make up before 6pm. 
  • We will start tech at 6pm. 
  • Tonight is the closing cast ON. Opening cast be ready for spider dance and bows.
  • If you have multiple costumes, please come in your first costume. 
  • Everyone must have underpinning! Usually, actors wear tank tops (in white, black or nude...something that works with your costume) and dance or bike shorts. There will not be a separate changing area for those with costume changes, you must wear underpinnings! 
  • Bring all your costumes every night of tech and shows in a basket. There isn't much room backstage so please consider that when picking out your basket.
  • We will start a full run at the top of the show. If we don't get all the way through the show, we will start where we left off with closing cast on Wednesday and then start a second run. We will do the same for opening cast on Tuesday and Thursday. The hope is that both cast get two runs this week. 
  • Becca will be taking notes and I will be taking any missed lines notes. We will email our notes after each tech. Please make sure you are sharing these notes with your actors. Any notes and/or blocking changes for their double is also for them. 
  • When your double is on stage on Monday and Tuesday, you must be in the audience watching. 
  • No electronic devices are allowed during any night tech!
  • Actors need to know their cues, lines, blocking and dances! Parents please help with this. There are still actors that don't know these.
  • Remind your actors-
    • Hold means to stop, freeze, no talking.
    • Don't touch props that aren't yours. Pick up your prop before you go on stage and replace it to it's spot when you exit the stage.
  • Many of the actors have found that making a list of when they enter (and from where), any props needed and costume changes very helpful. 
  • If you have any costume changes, please practice these at home, especially those that are quick changes. 
  • Label all your costume pieces! Every night of tech and shows we will come up with missing or left behind costumes. If they are labeled we can get them back to their owners. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Bow Dace

Here is the link to the bow dance:
Please go over the bows and spider dance for Sunday's rehearsal.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Week 7 & 8- Weekly Update

I can't believe this will be my last weekly update!  I will just post as items come up over the next couple of weeks so check the blog occasionally as we head into tech week and shows. 
We are just 3 rehearsals away from starting tech! Please read all posts and emails and feel free to ask any questions. 

Blocking & Lines
Please keep working on blocking and lines. The actors have known their lines for the most part so far. Becca prefers that they know the words as they are written on the pages instead of paraphrasing. The need to work on their cues!!! They need to know when to say their lines. It's very important.

Set Build

We are in need of those who have truck or a trailer hitch to help get items from the off site workshop to the black box this week (preferable before Sunday at 1pm). Please contact Stuart if you are available to help. 

We are also looking for a skilled painter to paint a scene on a flat. 

Set Build will be at the black box Sunday 9/15 from 1-6pm. Every family is required to have at least one family member at set build for at least 3 hours in order to earn at $20 scholarship for a future tuition. Please bring drills (already charged), hammers,staple guns, etc. with you to set build. PCT has some tools but there will be another set build going on at the same time on the main stage. There will also be painting so if you have paint brushes, rollers, trays please bring those as well.

Here is a list of props that Claudia is still looking for.:
  • brown handle plastic ax (or a sliver tin man ax and paint or wrap the handle in brown tape)
  • a baby bottle
  • large bib with funny saying or picture on it for Wilbur
  • brown, SOFT rope to tie around Wilbur’s wrist
  • plastic pitchfork
  • simple rag doll for Fern
  • plain Bronze medal on a neck- length ribbon
Please let Claudia know if you have any items on the list available for us to borrow ASAP.

Volunteer Sign-up
Every family is required to sign up for at least two volunteer spots. There are still a few open spots and we need all the volunteer spots in order to make the shows happen.
If you plan to volunteer backstage, you must have a backstage pass. 

If you are interested in helping with lights and sound please let me know. I know there were a few interested but I'm not sure I got back to everyone. You will need to be at least two nights of tech to train for lights and/or sound. 


All shows are sold out! Make sure you email Shelly any wait list request. If you have any tickets or comps that you will not be using please let Shelly know. We have a few shows that are currently over sold. All ticket swaps should go through Shelly.

Cast Party
The cast party will be held between shows on Saturday 9/26. It will be in the black box, or if the weather is nice outside the black box. The cost is $8 per person (parents and siblings are welcome ) for pizza, drinks, dessert and sides. Please give your payments to Julie Wall. She will be at tech next week. 

Cast Picture Wall
Kari Perkins will be collecting a 4x6 color head shot (No Frame) with actors name at bottom from every cast member to be included on the Cast Picture Wall she is creating in the Black Box for the shows. She would like them to her by the start of Tech Week. See the example below.

We are two weeks away from tech. Everyone is required to attend every night of tech. (I know I have a few that had pre-approved conflicts during tech.) During tech will run the show with lights, sounds, set and props. There will be an ON night cast and OFF night cast each night. Everyone is doing the spider dance on their OFF night. Those that are OFF night should be sitting the audience while their double is on stage to hear the notes given on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday everyone will be asked to stay backstage. The tech schedule runs as follows:
Monday, 9/14 6-9pm- Closing cast ON, Opening cast OFF
Tuesday, 9/15 6-9pm- Opening cast ON, Closing cast OFF
Wednesday, 9/16 6-9pm- Closing cast ON, Opening cast OFF
Thursday, 9/17 6-9pm- Opening cast ON, Closing cast OFF

Everyone needs to bring all their costumes every night of tech and shows. The best way to do this is to bring everything in a small laundry basket or tub. Please label everything; basket, costumes, water bottles. The Black Box green room is small, so please take that in consideration when pick out a basket. 

Task Calendar

Upcoming Rehearsals
Wednesday, Sept. 9
Block Bows
Called: ALL

Saturday, Sept. 12
Work pg. 40-54 *OFF BOOK* 

Called: Members, Charlotte, Wilbur, Templeton, Mr & Mrs. Arable, Homer, Edith, Avery, Lurvy, Uncle, Spectators, Fern

Sunday, Sept. 13- Set Build
Work pg. 55-68, Bows, Spider Dance *OFF-BOOK*
Called: ALL

Feel free to contact me if you have questions!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Props Needed- Note from Props Coordinator

Here is a list of props that I am looking for.:

  • brown plastic ax
  • a baby bottle
  • large bib with funny saying or picture on it for Wilbur
  • hay to be spread about the “barn”- 2 small bales and lots of loose straw to scatter around 
  • large rotten egg for Templeton 
  • old-fashioned camera for reporter-small, not too big or heavy 
  • brown, SOFT rope to tie around Wilbur’s wrist
  • plastic pitchfork
  • 2 washcloths or sponges
  • simple rag doll for Fern
  • handkerchief for Lurvy to blow his nose
  • plain Bronze medal on a neck- length ribbon

Please let me know if you have any items on the list available for us to borrow. Also, anyone who would like to help me wrap rope around the letters used for the web, I will be at rehearsal on Saturday and Sunday, more than likely in the lobby, doing that. If you have a glue gun, please bring it and glue sticks. 

Thank you!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Spider dance

I finally got the Spider Dance to upload! Here is a link to the dance. It's only viewable with the link.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Weekly Update- Week 6

We are two weeks away from tech and this week is our first off-book rehearsal! So much will be happening the next two week. Please read all posts and emails and feel free to ask any questions. 

Due Wednesday:

Costume approval
Bios & head shots
Applause Ads

All shows are sold out! Make sure you email Shelly any wait list request. If you have any tickets or comps that you will not be using please let Shelly know. We have a few shows that are currently over sold. All ticket swaps should go through Shelly.

The approval for all costumes is needed by Wednesday, 9/2. We will have our costume parade/pictures on Saturday, 9/5 from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Please be ready in costume at your schedule photo time. Sign up for a spot at

Email Deena your actor’s bios and head shot at headshot doesn’t have to be professional. It can be a school picture or a picture you have taken. Bios and head shots are due by Wednesday, 9/2. She will also be collecting applause ads.

Volunteer Sign-up
Every family is required to sign up for at least two volunteer spots. There are many open spots and we need all the volunteer spots in order to make the shows happen.
If you plan to volunteer backstage, you must have a backstage pass. If you have experience with lights and/or sound please contact me before signing up for one of those slots. 

Background Check
Please follow the link to complete your background check. You will need a background check if you plan to go backstage at all. This includes: backstage volunteer, bringing food to your child, helping with a costume change, dressing room volunteer, lights & sound

Cast Picture Wall
Kari Perkins will be collecting a 4x6 color head shot (No Frame) with actors name at bottom from every cast member to be included on the Cast Picture Wall she is creating in the Black Box for the shows. She would like them to her by the start of Tech Week. See the example below.

We are two weeks away from tech. Everyone is required to attend every night of tech. (I know I have a few that had pre-approved conflicts during tech.) During tech will run the show with lights, sounds, set and props. There will be an ON night cast and OFF night cast each night. Everyone is doing the spider dance on their OFF night. Those that are OFF night should be sitting the audience while their double is on stage to hear the notes given on Monday and Tuesday. On Wednesday and Thursday everyone will be asked to stay backstage. The tech schedule runs as follows:
Monday, 9/14 6-9pm- Closing cast ON, Opening cast OFF
Tuesday, 9/15 6-9pm- Opening cast ON, Closing cast OFF
Wednesday, 9/16 6-9pm- Closing cast ON, Opening cast OFF
Thursday, 9/17 6-9pm- Opening cast ON, Closing cast OFF

Everyone needs to bring all their costumes every night of tech and shows. The best way to do this is to bring everything in a small laundry basket or tub. Please label everything; basket, costumes, water bottles. The Black Box green room is small, so please take that in consideration when pick out a basket. 

All rehearsal will now be off-book. Please have your actor know their lines, blocking, entrance and exits before arriving at rehearsal. It is very important that your kids attend rehearsals, and if they have a conflict please let me know.  Your child is really going to have to rely on their doubles to catch up when a rehearsal is missed. Also, remember to bring water/snack and to wear comfortable shoes (no open toed shoes, flip flops or crocs). 

Upcoming Rehearsals
Wednesday, Sept. 2
Block pg. 65-68, Work pg. 5-17 *OFF BOOK*
Called: ALL

Saturday, Sept. 5
Work pg. 17-29 *OFF-BOOK*
Called: Lurvy, Wilbur, Charlotte, Homer, Members, Fern, Goose, Gander, Templeton, Sheep. Lamb, Avery  

Sunday, Sept. 6
Work pg. 29-39 *OFF-BOOK*
Called: Templeton, Sheep, Lamb, Charlotte, Wilbur, Members, Lurvy, Fern, Homer, Mr. & Mrs. Arable, Goose, Gander, Avery, Edith
Facebook Page
Be sure to "Like" Charlotte’s Wed Facebook page and share with friends and family.  Below is the link:

Feel free to contact me if you have questions!