- brown plastic ax
- a baby bottle
- large bib with funny saying or picture on it for Wilbur
- hay to be spread about the “barn”- 2 small bales and lots of loose straw to scatter around
- large rotten egg for Templeton
- old-fashioned camera for reporter-small, not too big or heavy
- brown, SOFT rope to tie around Wilbur’s wrist
- plastic pitchfork
- 2 washcloths or sponges
- simple rag doll for Fern
- handkerchief for Lurvy to blow his nose
- plain Bronze medal on a neck- length ribbon
Please let me know if you have any items on the list available for us to borrow. Also, anyone who would like to help me wrap rope around the letters used for the web, I will be at rehearsal on Saturday and Sunday, more than likely in the lobby, doing that. If you have a glue gun, please bring it and glue sticks.
Thank you!
this helped me